Saturday, October 26, 2013

Week 7 - What's Next

Gate review 3 is due in a few weeks, and we still have a lot of work to do before we get there. Finishing our mathematical model is key to being able to move on to the next step of creating a detailed CAD model. We were given some more specific instructions about modeling in office hours with Professor Brei, but are not yet satisfied with the one we have created. It will take several iterations and adjustments before we can feel that we have adequately considered all aspects of the design. 
In addition to designing for engineering, it is important to consider product aesthetics and ergonomics in the next stage as well. We will need to consider how the user interacts with the product, how it will fit in their hand and how they intend to carry it. It will be interesting to see what Sou says about these topics in her lecture next week. 

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