Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 4 - Challanges

A we move along in our process, our team still needs to determine which method of generating and harnessing energy is the best and most feasible for us. Some of the challenges involved in this include the following: efficiency, cost, size, weight, reliability. We believe efficiency will be our biggest challenge, as converting kinetic energy into electrical energy is very hard to do with a high rate of efficiency. We also believe that this will affect the weight and size of our device. We foresee us having to make our device bigger and thus use more and heavier materials in order to make up for the losses during the conversion from kinetic to electrical energy. Another challenge we are going to have is constructing our device in such way that a suer would enjoy using/ having our potential device. If we cannot make it small we will have to find another way to make it such that the size is overlooked. Nonetheless, we feel that once these challenges are overcome our team will be well on its way in our goal to coming up with a solution to providing users with a reliable source of power on the go.

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