Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 5: Exciting / Interesting Findings

As we talked a lot about feasibility this week, our most interesting find was that of different solutions for our original problem statement. After determining that a mechanism involving a coil that was small enough to be portable, yet powerful and efficient enough to generate enough energy was just not possible, our task lied in finding a different approach to the problem. As such, we continued to put more details into our conceptualization tree and coming up with new ideas, no matter how far-fetched until we were satisfied with a more feasible solution. We came up with a crank design, and are interested in implementing different methods of energy generation. This was interesting because it forced us to think in more unconventional methods to come up with something that still contained the same focus we originally began with, but approached it from a different angle. We were surprised by how many mechanisms others have tried already, as well as the sheer number of possible other solutions, no matter how inefficient or unfeasible they were.

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