Friday, October 11, 2013

Week 5: Challenges

We ran into some issues this week when double-checking if our design for a magnet and coil device is feasible. It was determined that to have a device approximately the same size and weight of the average smartphone, it was be impossible to charge a phone in a reasonable amount of time using magnetic induction in a reasonable amount of time. This was estimated to be around 100 hours give or take, accounting for inefficiencies in the device. This is unacceptable, and so we have to come up with another similar device that accomplishes the same goals for the same target audience, but perhaps uses a different method for harnessing energy. We could still stick with magnetic induction, but we would need to make the device larger or heavier. Another challenge will be creating a feasible mechanical charging device that hasn’t already been made, which is difficult to do in today’s electronics market.

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