Saturday, October 26, 2013

Week 7: Interesting / Exciting Findings

This past week, after learning about optimization, our team worked a lot on the different constraints of our design. Working with our alpha prototype, we discussed what our limitations were and where we could be more lenient. Right away, we had many constraints that were non-negotiable, such as the size of the motor housing needing to be less than or equal to the width of the phone case. Furthermore, we needed to constrain the total size of the case so that it would fit a majority of phones. Since we decided to prototype for an iPhone, that was a constraint we couldn't be lenient with because it the case could not exceed the size of a phone. However, the most interesting findings that we had are the aspects of the design that we could be lenient with, such as the length of the string/cord, and more of the aesthetic aspects of the design. Overall, this step in design was something our team had not previously thought about and therefore discovered a whole new collection of design details we could change.

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