Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week 9 - Project Status

This weekend we are working hard to complete Gate Review 3. As of this writing, the pieces are coming together nicely, and I expect to be able to submit the report to Professor Brei by the end of the day tomorrow. Gate Review 3 is quite involved though, and it has taken a lot of diligence to move it forward so quickly. While we were given plenty of time to complete it, we got very stuck on motor selection and were unable to move forward until the end of last week. After extensive office hours with Dr Luntz, we were finally able to choose a motor and find suitable transmission parts to begin the CAD. A detailed analysis of the motor and transmission have now been done for the Gate Review, and Nick has been hard at work on the CAD model. We were pleasantly surprised that one of the most readily available motors happens to produce exactly the power that we need and is very compact (only 0.4" in height)! It also turned out that the clutch bearing that we were looking at can provide the remaining gear ratio that we needed on top of the motor, and that we won't need to add any extra transmission components. This greatly reduces the size of the device.

So far, everything looks pretty good. Realistically however, I know that not everything that we have planned will work the first time, and that we will probably have to make changes to the design. I am anxious to order parts and start building so that we can begin to work out the bugs!

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