Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 10: Project Status Update

The team has passed Gate Review 3 and is now ready to begin construction. A design for the case shell has been designed and CAD, and further manufacturing process development is underway. It was decided that the best option for manufacturing the case will be a rapid-prototyped ABS part via 3D printing, and then capped with carbon fiber for rigidity. Because the device will see up to 25 lbs of force distributed over where the motor is mounted, basic FEA analysis has been done on the case shell to ensure it will not suffer from fracture or yield during normal use. The carbon fiber cap also makes sure of this. 

Part orders have been placed from Mouser Electronics, Pololu, and McMaster. Upon arrival of these components, the team can get in the machine shop and begin manufacturing the parts needed to conduct testing on the motor setup. Manufacturing plans and diagrams have been developed for quick manufacturing in the ME student shop, which will decrease time required in the shop. The team also scoured for materials that can be used to build the case this week in and around the ME X50 assembly room area. 

Currently being worked on is cost analysis,conjoint analysis to choose the best consumer preferences for the device, and the business plan.

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