Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 12 Team Update

This week, the team accomplished a lot in terms of productivity towards manufacturing. The team was able to finish machining several components in the student machine shop, and also able to test the functionality of the device. This was done by hooking the Pololu DC motor up to an oscilloscope to see if it produced enough voltage to feasibly charge a phone It was confirmed from testing that the motor could output much more than the needed voltage. Because many of the orders took several weeks to arrive, it was a slight rush to get the components to arrive on schedule and Also accomplished was the final submission of the case design to the 3D printer, which is on schedule to be completed before the Design Expo. The team is on task with the high probability of completing the project before the expo and having a working demo at the booth. Still to be done is make sure that the harnessed energy can actually charge an iPhone with a working charging circuit, and integrate all components (including circuit board and mount plate) into the 3D printed case.

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