Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 11 - Status

Design expo is scarily close, and while we are on track to finish I am still nervous about the timing. We still need to machine a few simple parts and are still waiting for our clutch bearing to come in. If that bearing isn't here on Monday we might be in trouble. However, the majority of the work left for the prototype is assembly, and we are signed up for machines on Monday and Tuesday. We also have all of the components we need for the circuit board except for the iPhone cable. I don't know if there is going to be a more complicated wiring system to connect the charging cable, but I intend to put together the rest of the circuit tomorrow.  The CAD of the case shell has been submitted to 3D print just a little while ago, and we were told that it should be done by the end of the week. Brian is working on the poster, and David has volunteered to handle our business plans. It seems that everything is on track to finish, but nothing has come together yet. Hopefully in a few days we will have a poster, a working prototype and a partial business plan for the final report!

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