Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week 3: What's Next

Up to this point, our team has been working towards defining a problem statement by conducting a market research analysis and analyzing the competition.  Now, we are finally able to focus on designing a product that solves our defined problem. Our problem statement emphasizes that music festival-goers often find their mobile devices running out of charge and lack ease of access to a power source. We plan to create a product that solves this problem using renewable energy. Specifically, we want to harness the kinetic energy from dancing and raging to charge a small battery that can be used to charge these devices. The next step in doing this will be to do some calculations and determine how much energy we can actually capture based on how big the device will be. Some reverse engineering will be necessary to determine how this harnessing is done in larger scale devices like ‘shake to charge’ magnet flashlights.

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