Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 2 - Exciting Findings

This week, we have completed and distributed a survey to investigate the market for our product. From speaking to a few potential customers, it sounds like there could be a real need for a portable battery-charging device, especially among students! We were fairly sure that we would find this to be the case, but we have been hoping to find that our market research agrees with our hypothesis. If there is a large number of people who are interested in portable battery charging, it means that we are more likely to be successful in our project!
We have also been thinking about various methods that we could facilitate charging, just to be sure that the problem we decide to tackle is viable. The biggest danger in choosing to make a portable charging device is that we may not be able to create something that functions using our limited resources. We have come up with some exciting and promising ideas, however, and are choosing to move forward in the direction of energy solutions.

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