Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 2 - Challenges

Challenges that our team is facing this coming week consist of organizing and analyzing our survey results, finalizing our problem statement, and then deciding the avenue we want to take amongst the options we have for solving that problem. Analyzing and extracting useful information out of the surveys will be a challenge because we need to determine from that data where an exploitable product niche lies in the market for charging mobile devices. We have a pair of options for charging products at this point; a device that trickle charges a battery from the kinetic energy of walking, or a small rechargeable device that would be rented from a ‘RedBox’ style machine to quickly recharge a phone on the go. Depending on the results we see from the survey, we will have to conduct QFD and see which option is the smallest risk and makes the most sense to develop further.

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